This page is for new memberships only. If you are trying to renew please login to this website before renewing your membership. 

Annual membership dues include annual participation in the Northern Illinois School Safety Administrators Association, a not-for-profit corporation. The membership dues are per person during the annual dues’ year paid. Membership is from July 1st to June 30th.

NISSAA has two levels of members: regular and associate. Regular membership consists of officials and employees of public, private schools/districts, higher Ed and regional offices of education in the state of Illinois who are directly connected with safety programs. Associate membership shall be open to local, county, state or federal, public safety agencies. Vendors in school safety shall not be members. Membership fees are as follows:

  • Fees for each Regular members (School Employee) employee are $75 annually.
  • Associate members - no fee. Registration is required. (local, county, state or federal, public safety agencies only)
Membership Type

This form is used for new registrations. If you are curren or past NISSAA member wanting to renew your membership please login to your NISSAA account to renew.

Total Amount
Your Registration Info
Please use the organization search below to find your organization. If it is not in the list please enter the organizations name.
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